Nerine bowdenii
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Csillogó Pirosliliom (Nerine bowdenii) gondozása, szaporítása. A már-már költői elnevezéssel rendelkező csillogó pirosliliom (N. bowdenii) egy kései virágzású faj, mely hegyvidéki származásánál fogva viszonylag jól tűri a hideget, így Európa enyhébb telű vidékein egész évben kinn maradhatnak hagymái. Való igaz, megfelelően védett fekvésben, takarással ez a különleges .. Csillogó pirosliliom (Nerine bowdenii) gondozása - A csillogó pirosliliom (Nerine bowdenii) az amarilliszfélék családjába tartozó kb. 45 cm-es magasságot elérő, rendkívül dekoratív hagymás növény
egy év bali szigetén
. Szépen mutat dézsába ültetve, emellett kiváló vágott virág. Levélzetét hosszúkás, bőszerű levelek alkotják, tölcsérszerű virágokból álló ernyős virágzata ősszel nyílik.. Nerine bowdenii - Wikipedia. Binomial name. Nerine bowdenii. Watson. Nerine bowdenii is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae. It is an herbaceous bulbous perennial, growing to 45 cm (18 in) tall by 8 cm (3 in), with strap-shaped leaves and large umbels of lily-like pink flowers in late summer and autumn. [1]. Nerine bowdenii (Guernsey Lily) - Gardenia. Nerine bowdenii is a bulbous perennial with strap-shaped green leaves and pink flowers. It blooms in late summer or fall, and is ideal for mixed borders, rockeries or cutting gardens. It is native to South Africa and tolerates drought, deer and rabbit.. Nerine bowdenii | Bowden lily Bulbs/RHS Gardening. N. bowdenii is a bulbous perennial to 50cm, with strap-shaped rich green leaves preceded by erect stems bearing umbels of lily-like pink flowers 6-8cm in width, with wavy, recurved segments Join the RHS today and save 25%. Nerine bowdenii | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Nerine bowdenii is a late-flowering plant with rich pink flowers and strap-shaped foliage. Learn how to grow it outdoors in a warm sunny border, how to divide it in spring, and how to care for it in well-drained soil.. How to grow nerines / RHS Gardening. Learn how to grow nerines, the long-lasting bulbs that produce flowerheads in pink, white and red, in your garden
babaruha kötés könyv
. Find out the best conditions, methods and tips for planting, pruning, propagating and overcoming problems with nerines.. Nerine bowdenii | PlantZAfrica - SANBI. Nerine bowdenii is a deciduous, summer-growing geophyte with large, pink or white flowers on long stems. It is native to the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, and has two subspecies, subsp. bowdenii and subsp. wellsii. It is highly valued for its cold tolerance, suitability as a container subject and massed bedding plant, and long-lasting cut flowers.. How to Grow Nerines | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Nerine bowdenii Alba - crisp, pure-white, star-shaped blooms appear on sturdy stems. It makes a fantastic addition to the late summer border, or an excellent cut flower; Nerine bowdenii Fenwicks Variety - the sturdy stem bear clusters of up to 12 pink blooms in autumn. Virághagyma rendelés - Amarine, Nerine - Királykert. Amarine, Nerine. Az Amarine nemzetség az amariliszek és nerinék keresztezésével jött létre. Virágai jobban inkább a nerine virágaira hasonlítanak, de attól nagyobbak. A hagymák méretétől függően több virágszárat is nevelhetnek, és száranként 10-12 hosszantartó virágot hoznak. Kiváló vágottvirág.. PDF Nerine bowdenii - Master Gardener Program. Nerine is a genus of 25-30 species of bulbs native to South Africa. These plants in the amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae) have been widely hybridized and are now cultivated world wide. The common names Guernsey lily or spider lily are sometimes applied to the entire genus.. Nerine bowdenii - Csillogó pirosliliom. A Nerine bowdenii - Csillogó pirosliliom fajta különleges színpompát visz kertjébe, melyben sokat gyönyörködhet virágzási időben. Kattintson ide, és válogasson a Különleges virághagymák fajták gazdag választékából. Erre tessék. Rendelését egészen a kertkapujáig szállítom.. Nerine bowdenii - Lis de Guernesey - Lis de Jersey - Nérine de Bowden .. Nerine bowdenii - Lis de Guernesey - Lis de Jersey - Nérine de Bowden - Jolie plante bulbeuse à floraison tardive en ombelles de fleurs roses, évoquant une agapanthe. Plantes de jardin > Bulbes dEté > Bulbes dété par Variété > Nérines ← → Nerine bowdenii type - Lis de Guernesey Nerine bowdenii Fleur du Cap 15 avis Bulbe calibre 12/14 Petit prix. Nerine bowdenii - Wisconsin Horticulture. Nerine bowdenii blooming. Nerine is a genus of 25-30 species of bulbs native to South Africa. These plants in the amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae) have been widely hybridized and are now cultivated world wide. The common names Guernsey lily or spider lily are sometimes applied to the entire genus.. Nerine | Pacific Bulb Society. Nerine. Nerine is a genus of 25 species in the family Amaryllidaceae 21 of which are endemic to the geographic areas of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. The other 4 occur throughout southern Africa. Only 4 species are winter growing and 21 are summer growing, a subset of which are evergreen. In cultivation, Nerine has been widely hybridized.. Nerine bowdenii - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Nerine bowdenii is a herbaceous bulbous perennial with strap-shaped leaves and large umbels of pink flowers in the fall. It is drought tolerant and requires moist soil and full sun to grow. It can be used in beds, cutting gardens, rock gardens, and containers. It is native to the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.. Nerine, Guernseylilie pflanzen und pflegen - Mein schöner Garten. Die Nerine oder Guernseylilie (Nerine bowdenii) aus der Familie der Amaryllisgewächse (Amaryllidaceae) ist in Südafrika beheimatet, wo sie in steinigen Gebirgslandschaften in bis zu 3.000 Metern Höhe wächst. Sie kann bei uns sowohl im Topf auf Balkon oder Terrasse gehalten als auch in den Garten ausgepflanzt werden.. Nerine bowdenii Alba | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Most nerines are tender greenhouse bulbs, but Nerine bowdenii is the nearest to being hardy, and is well worth planting outdoors in a warm sunny border backed by the shelter of a wall. Nerine bowdenii Alba bears crisp, pure-white, star-shaped blooms on sturdy stems.. Nerine bowdenii Albivetta (Guernsey Lily) - Gardenia. Putting on a spectacular display in the late season garden, Nerine bowdenii Albivetta (Guernsey Lily) is a bulbous perennial bearing large umbels of 6 to 12 trumpet-shaped, faintly-scented, white flowers, adorned with wavy-edged petals and sometimes a soft pink glow.. Kerti amarillisz "Nerine bowdenii" rózsaszín - OBI. A "Nerine bowdenii" kerti amarillisz nyári virág. Ültetése tavasszal, 15 cm mély gödörbe történjen
. Mint minden virághagyma esetében, a talajnak jó vízáteresztő képességgel kell rendelkeznie. A kerti amarillisz hagymái a kertben csoportosan ültethetők.. Nerine bowdenii Isabel|Bowden lily Isabel/RHS Gardening. Nerine bowdenii Isabel. Bowden lily Isabel. Isabel is a bulbous perennial, to 50cm tall, with strap-shaped, rich-green leaves preceded by erect stems bearing clusters of lily-like, dark rose-pink flowers, 6-8cm in width, with wavy, reflexed petals. Join the RHS today and save 25%. Join now.. Nerine (Guernsey lily) / RHS Gardening. Nerine sarniensis (Guernsey lily) need a frost-free greenhouse or conservatory with a minimum winter temperature of 7°C (45°F)
For hardy-types (Nerine bowdenii and cultivars), they are happy at the base of a sunny, south-facing wall in well-drained soil. Dislikes.. How to Plant, Grow & Care for Nerines | Sarah Raven. Nerines are a type of hardy perennial bulb that produce long-lasting flowers in the autumn and spring. Learn how to plant, grow and care for nerines in the garden or pots, and how to avoid common issues such as pests, diseases and overcrowding.. Nerine bowdenii Pink | Thompson & Morgan. Nerine bowdenii Pink Bowden Cornish Lily. Nerine bowdenii Pink. Bowden Cornish Lily. Hardy. FROM £9.99. 88% (171 Reviews) Garden Club Members Price: FROM £8.99 JOIN TODAY. T&M Promise - Guaranteed to flower in the first year from planting. Easy to grow in the greenhouse, or outdoors in pots or well drained borders and rockeries.. Growing Nerine Lilies in the Northwest - FineGardening. My obsession with nerine lilies (Nerine bowdenii and cvs., Zones 8-11) snuck up on me. I planted these nerines in a bed with pittosporum . At this point in my collecting, most of my finds were the straight species, N. bowdenii, along with cultivars Edelweiss, a stunning white-flowering nerine, and Isabel, a shorter pink and .. Nerines! All about Nerine Bulbs - Farmer Gracys Blog. Nerine bowdenii Alba ↑. Tall stems are topped with pure white flowers during autumn. Looks sophisticated in contemporary planting schemes and useful for providing autumn interest in white gardens. Nerine Mr John ↑. This vivid pink nerine variety looks wonderful in mixed borders planted among late-flowering perennials.. When To Plant Nerines - My Garden Flowers. Here are the general guidelines for some popular Nerine varieties: Nerine bowdenii: Plant between August and October to give the bulbs enough time to establish themselves before winter sets in. Nerine sarniensis: Plant around August, ensuring the bulbs have plenty of time to develop a strong root system before the cold weather arrives.. Nerine - Wikipedia. Nerine / n ɪ ˈ r aɪ n iː / (nerines, Guernsey lily, Jersey lily, spider lily) is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Amaryllidoideae.They are bulbous perennials, some evergreen, associated with rocky and arid habitats.They bear spherical umbels of lily-like flowers in shades from white through pink to crimson. In the case of deciduous species, the .. Nerine Species One | Pacific Bulb Society. Nerine is a genus of 25 species in the family Amaryllidaceae 21 of which are endemic to the geographic areas of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. The other 4 occur throughout southern Africamy secret romance ismertető
. Nerine bowdenii W.Watson is native to the summer growing regions from East Cape Province, Free State and KwaZulu-Natal. It is named after Athelstan .. Nerine - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Nerine is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family A maryllidaceae, subfamily A maryllidoideae. They are bulbous perennials, some evergreen, associated with rocky and arid habitats. They are injured below 25 degrees F (2C). Most have strap-shaped leaves to about 1 foot long; depending on the species, these either die back well before .. Nerine Plant Growing & Care Guide for Gardeners. Guernsey, Jersey lily, and other Nerine members can be grown from seeds or bulbs. The bulbs should be planted about 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inches) deep and about 12 to 20 cm (5 to 8 inches) apart at the start of autumn. Nerine seeds should be sown on the surface using fresh seed as soon as it is produced in the autumn.
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. Nerine Bowdenii | DutchGrown™. Nerine bowdenii, commonly known as Bowden Lily or Guernsey Lily, adds charm to your garden and extends its bloom well into fall. This lovely flower, with its delicate pink, thin-petalled appearance, graces your garden just as other plants are winding down for winter. Native to the mountainous regions of South Africa, the resilient spider .. PDF Nerine bowdenii Final report copy - RHS Gardening. The genus Nerine contains 25 species, most well known of which is the Guernsey lily. (N. sarniensis) a greenhouse plant. All the species occur in southern Africa but only a very few are truly hardy in the UK. Since its introduction to cultivation in 1898 N. bowdenii has become widely grown in gardens and a diverse range of forms has been .. Nerine - pěstování - Nerine bowdenii - pěstování. Nerine bowdenii, jak vyplývá z výše uvedeného, je cibulovitá rostlina pocházející z Jižní Ameriky.Zatímco v zemích s mírnou zimou (například Velká Británie) je možno nerinku pěstovat jako trvalku, naše zimy by přežila jen stěží.Proto ji řadíme mezi přenosné rostliny, tedy rostliny, které přes léto vynášíme do venkovního .. BBC - Gardening: Plant Finder - Nerine. Height: 45cm. Spread: 10cm. Time to divide plants: February to March. Most nerines are tender greenhouse bulbs, but N. bowdenii is the nearest to being hardy, and well worth planting outdoors in a .. Out Of Season - Growing Guides - How to Plant and Grow Nerine Bulbs .. 1. Fill the pot with any multi-purpose compost until youve reached just past its halfway point. 2. Nerine bulbs should be planted about 5cm from the top of the pot. 3. Place your bulbs on top of the soil, about 7-10cm apart. 4. Cover with the compost to the top of the pot, leaving the bulbs just below the soil level.. Nerine Bowdenii - 3 bulbs - Longfield Gardens. Nerine Bowdenii Item#: 20000124 UPC: SKU Name: Nerine Bowdenii 3ct, 14+cm Genus: Nerine Scientific Name: Nerine Common Name: Guernsey Lily Class: N/A Variety: Bowdenii Plant Type: Bulb Origin: Holland Light: Sun to Part Shade Size/Grade: 14+cm Hardiness Zones: 8 through 11 Find Your Zone Suitable Zones: 3 through 11 Ships: Spring. Nerine Bulbs at Thompson-Morgan. 2 Options From £7.99. within 24 hours. Buy Now. 5% off plants, bulbs & seeds (first time subscription) Priority access to exclusive special offers. Our latest news including new product launches. Gardening hints and tips. Nerine Bulbs found in: Nerine bowdenii Collection, Nerine bowdenii Pink, Nerine bowdenii Mister John, Nerine bowdenii .. Nerines and amarines and how to grow them - Gardens Illustrated. How to plant and grow nerines and amarines, plus recommended varieties, by plant expert John Hoyland.. Nerine Species, Cape Flower, Guernsey Lily, Jersey Lily, Spider Lily. Seed Collecting. Allow seedheads to dry on plants; remove and collect seeds. Seed does not store well; sow as soon as possible. Regional. This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: Houston, Alabama. Brea, California. Moreno Valley, California. Newbury Park, California.. Thalia Lincoln | 32 Artworks at Auction | MutualArt. Thalia Lincolns work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from 21 USD to 469 USD, depending on the size and medium of the artwork. Since 2021 the record price for this artist at auction is 469 USD for Nerine bowdenii, sold at Strauss & Co., Johannesburg in 2021. The artist died in 2014. OVERVIEW. ARTWORKS .. Nerines - Burkes Backyard. Nerine bowdenii: A strong, vigorous nerine that is very easy to grow. Clusters of pink flowers with reflexed petals and frilly tips are produced in autumn. The strap-shaped leaves do not appear until spring, then die off to make way for more flowers the following autumn. Because its leaves are largely absent during winter, it can withstand .. Nerine - Nerine - Nerine bowdenii er ret hårdfør og bliver omkring en halv meter høj. Den får ofte 8-12 blomster, der har blegrosa kronblade med en mørkrosa stribe i midten
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. Nerine masonorum er en lav plante på kun 10-15 cm, men den er ret hårdfør. Bladene er stedsegrønne og blomsterne er lyserøde.. Guernsey Lily Nerine bowdenii from Netherland Bulb. Nerine bowdenii . Tall stems with minimal foliage support this exotic looking flower. Guernsey Lily is easy to grow in well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Planting and Maintenance Info: Light Requirements: Full Sun, Partial Shade Planting Depth: 8 Inches Bulbs per Square Foot: 3. Nerine Bulbs for Sale - Longfield Gardens. Nerine. Sort By: Refine by No filters applied. Browse by & Hide Filters Show Filters Compare . Nerine Bowdenii. 3 bulbs. $11.50 Close ×. OK. Footer Start. Contact Longfield Gardens. Longfield Gardens 1245 Airport Rd Lakewood, NJ 08701; 855-534-2733; [email protected]; Shop. Fall Planted Bulbs .. Best fall flowers and plants: 14 top choices for late color. Nerine bowdenii (Image credit: Deborah Vernon / Alamy Stock Photo) Hardiness: USDA 7b/8a; Height: 18in (45cm) Spread: 6in (15cm) Best for: The base of a warm wall; The South African Bowden lily loves to grow undisturbed in a sunny position, their bulbs jostling for space at the surface and soaking up sun. Naked flower stems of glistening pink .. Buy Nerine Bulbs | Top Quality bulbs for sale | Gold Medal Winning .. Nerines are the perfect addition to any garden with their Firework shape and long flowering period throughout the Autumn months. Nerines will flower every year for many years to come. Please be patient with Nerines as they are a later flowering variety. Plant date: Spring planting for Summer Flowering. Dispatch date: Spring.. Guernsey Lily Plant Care & Growing Tips | The term Guernsey Lily is often used to describe the various types of nerine plants, with the two most common being N. bowdenii and N. sarniensis. Below is a description of both plants - Nerine bowdenii. N. bowdenii is the first type of Guernsey lily and the variety that people most often think of when they hear the name.. Amarine Belladiva | White Flower Farm. Originally bred for the cut flower market, Amarine Belladiva is a cross between Amaryllis belladonna and Nerine bowdenii that produces multiple (up to 10) fragrant pink Lily-like flowers on each strong, tall stem. The blossoms emerge late summer and into fall, making them a lovely companion for Dahlias
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. Show them off at borders edge or in containers.. PDF Nerine bowdenii Final report copy - Nerine bowdenii Final Trials Report 2012-2017 Trials Office, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB RHS Registered Charity No: 222879 / SC038262. RHS Trial of Nerine bowdenii Introduction to the Trial The genus Nerine contains 25 species, most well known of which is the Guernsey lily. Nerine Bowdenii | J Parker Dutch Bulbs. The delightful Nerine Bowdenii (also known as the Guernsey Lily) provides delicate pink curled petals with faint stripes, standing on stiff upright stems and accompanied by beams of rich green foliage. Originating from the hot plains of South Africa, Nerine Bowdenii feels most at home in a freely draining soil in full sun. .. Top ten hardy flower bulbs - Thompson & Morgan. Nerine bowdenii, or Bowden lily, originates in South Africa and is named after one Athelstan Cornish-Bowden, a British land surveyor who sent the bulb back to England in 1904. Although it is quite hardy, nerine bowdenii grows best in warm, well-drained soil. It is not a true lily, but its bright-pink, frilly flowers do resemble lily blooms.. Naked ladies dormant after late-summer blooming - SFGATE. Mine, which is Nerine bowdenii, is a shorter plant than A. belladonna, with pink, late-summer flowers. It doesnt seem to mind growing in part shade in a rather cool summer microclimate.. 20 Types Of Flower Bulbs To Grow This Year - AZ Animals. The final "false" lily is the Guernsey or Nerine lily. The blooms are a little bit like spider lilies, with spidery petals with spiky stamens. They bloom in late summer, resist deer, offer up incredible fragrance and thrive in full sun in gritty soils.. Nerine sarniensis (Guernsey Lily) - Gardenia. Nerine sarniensis (Guernsey Lily) Sparkling in the late season garden, Nerine sarniensis (Guernsey Lily) is a bulbous perennial bearing large umbels of trumpet-shaped, scarlet flowers, adorned with wavy-edged petals and elegantly protruding stamens. It is sometimes referred to as Jewel, or Diamond Lilies, because the petals are covered with an .. Taxonomy browser (Nerine bowdenii) - National Center for Biotechnology .. Nerine bowdenii Taxonomy ID: 59042 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid59042) current name. Nerine bowdenii W.Watson. NCBI BLAST name: monocots Rank: species Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard) Mitochondrial genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard). Why nerines are the perfect flower for autumn | House & Garden. Nerine Sparkle is a hybrid derived from the more tender N
sarniensis, the original Guernsey Lily. Ideal for growing in a conservatory or glasshouse, the sarniensis hybrids have a wider colour range than the hardier species, and typically their flowers appear before their leaves, on a tall, elegant steam. Sabina Ruber. Nerine bowdenii W.Watson - World Flora Online. Geophyte, up to 0.7 m high. Leaves ± 6; present after flowering; erect; blade linear, flat, 350730 x 25 mm, turning yellow at anthesis. Flowers: in a 6- or 7-flowered umbel; pedicels up to 50 mm long, glabrous; stamen appendages absent; perianth angled downwards, zygomorphic, with tube very short, lobes linear, 50-70 x 8-12 mm, bright pink or white, midvein dark rose; Jan.-May.. Nerines how to grow and propagate - Hoyland Plant Centre. The first bulbs arrived from a shipwreck in the Channel Islands and finally washed up on the sand dunes of Guernsey in 1659. There are between 25 - 30 species of nerines. Bowdenii and sarniensis and their hybrids being the most common in cultivation. Cultivation. Nerine Bowdenii. Nerine bowdeniii love milk overal
. The leaves appear in spring, the bulbs grow in .. Nerine Bowdenii Vesta | DutchGrown™. Thriving in various conditions, Nerine bowdenii Vesta is fully hardy and returns perennially, providing a repeated display of its captivating flowers each year
kréta gondviselői hozzáférés
. Growing this plant is a breeze, offering a wonderfully rewarding experience. Plant in the Spring in sunny borders or containers and relish the sight of its elegant blooms basking in .. Greens of Ireland- Greens of Ireland. On all orders above €59. Orders below €10 are charged €7.50 and orders between €10 and €50 are charged €5.95 for shipment. Seeds Special rate €2.95.. Complete genome organization and characterization of . - Springer. Nerine latent virus (NeLV, genus Carlavirus) was first detected from asymptomatic Nerine bowdenii (family Amaryllidaceae) plants in the Netherlands in 1972 and further characterized in 1978 [].NeLV has also been reported on other plants in the family Amaryllidaceae including asymptomatic Hippeastrum in the Netherlands [], asymptomatic Narcissus pseudonarcissus in China [], Narcissus and .. Nerines - Easy Care Flowering Bulbs | Nurseries Online. Nerine Species and varieties Different varieties flower from mid summer right through to late autumn, so a careful selection can provide wonderful flowers over a long period. N.bowdenii being late flowering, around April while N.fothergill major is an orange-red early flowering variety that can flower as early as February.. 15 Best Late Summer Flowering Bulbs | Gardeners Path. Nerine Bowdenii. Springtime leaves die down in the summer, with waxy pink or rose flowers to follow. Six narrow petals curve at the ends in a starburst umbel formation, with prominent stamens. Nerine can grow in a variety of soil types from sandy or rocky to loamy with good tolerance for chalky soil, in a range of pH levels from slightly .. Montbrécie a nerine: Zjara vysadíte cibulky, od léta do podzimu .. Montbrécie a nerine: Zjara vysadíte cibulky, od léta do podzimu pokvetou. Jana Bucharová 16. 3
2020 clock 2 minuty gallery. Většina cibulovin nás těší na jaře, ovšem některé kvetou i v létě a na podzim. A zatímco jarní se sází na podzim, podzimní vysazujeme na jaře. Představujeme dva výjimečně krásné druhy.. Nerines: The bungalow blooms - by Mr Plant Geek. Nerines: The bungalow blooms Explore 10 of my favourites! Mr Plant Geek. Oct 28, 2023. Nerine | de Jager Bulbs. Nerine Bowdenii Isabel is a delicious shade of intense, raspberry sorbet pink, offering an irresistible treat for late autumn. As the rest of the garden slows down, Nerines pick up their pace and burst into life for a glorious close to the season. Hailing from South Africa, these sun-lovers will provide the most floriferous show when .
Red Nerine Lily ,Guernsey Lily | American Meadows. Description. 24" tall x 4" wide. The spidery blooms of Red Nerine Lily are comprised of many flowers clustered at the top of the stem, each with multiple recurved petals and long anthers. The bare, leafless flower stalk appears first and is followed by strap-like leaves. Hardy only in warmer climates, nerine lilies are best grown in the north .. Nerine Bowdenii Alba | DutchGrown™. While most Nerines boast a pink hue, Nerine bowdenii Alba defies the norm by presenting exquisite white blossoms, a rarity even in its native region. The immaculate white flowers, adorned with intricately ruffled petals, are ready for their debut in the late summer garden. Nerine are excellent for sunny spots and perfect for pots! The Nerine .. Nerine hybrids | Pacific Bulb Society. Nerine Afterglow This bulb flowered 6 weeks after a fall planting in Washington, DC. It resulted from a cross between sarniensis and bowdenii.The attractive flowers are red with a strong element of orange. Photo from Mark Wilcox and Michael Mace who write that the inflorescence is about twice the size of a typical Nsarniensis hybrid.. 5 minute gardener: What to do this weekend | Most common are the slightly hard-pink nerines, Nerine bowdenii, which are excellent cut flowers. The curious and adventurous may wish to seek out the stunning, Nerine fothergilli, whose scarlet ..